The following system wise signs and symptoms are evident in cases of marasmus:
- General appearance: Marasmic children may present with hypothermia due to an incompetent immune response or hyperthermia (fever) due to secondary bacterial infections. Patients may appear weak and thirsty due to dehydration of the body tissues.
- Integumentary system: Children with marasmus will present with pallor of skin and mucosae due to progressive anemia. Skin lesions like generalized and diffused purpura may herald an ongoing sepsis.
- Head and neck: Facial edema (myxedema) may ensue due to protein deficiency that causes osmotic gradient in the extracellular spaces. Eyeballs may appear sunken with thirst. Corneal lesions may surface due to vitamin A deficiency [6]. Otitis and rhinitis due to concurrent infections may also be seen in patients.
- Chest and heart: These patient may appear with tachypnea due to complications of pneumonia and heart failure.
- Abdomen: Marasmus will classically present with a distended abdomen due to ascites and hepatosplenomegaly. Bowel sounds will be slower due to electrolyte imbalance. Bleeding per anus may be evident with concomitant gastrointestinal bleeding.
- Renal: Decreased urine output may be observable with complicated renal failure.
- Extremities: Radial pulses may appear weak and extremities may be cold to feel due to shock.
- Neurologic: Patients may be brought in lethargy due to lack of energy and calories from starvation. Patients may appear confused due to the metabolic acidosis at play.
Entire Body System
- Malnutrition
Acute and less severe malnutrition is easily reversed in a hospital setting. However, malnutrition caused by an ongoing medical illness may need correction of the primary pathology before the malnutrition states are reversed. []
Kwashiorkor is a malnutrition sickness precipitated because of deficiency of protein throughout the meals plan of the child whereas on the alternative side Marasmus is the malnutrition sickness precipitated because of deficiency of not solely the proteins []
WHO Classification of Malnutrition (Open Table in a new window) Evidence of Malnutrition Moderate Severe (type) Symmetric edema No Yes (edema protein-energy malnutrition [PEM])* Weight for height † Standard deviation (SD) ‡ score -3 SD score < -2 (70- []
Marasmus is a form of severe malnutrition. It can occur in anyone who has severe malnutrition, but it usually occurs in children. It typically occurs in developing countries. Marasmus can be life-threatening, but you can get treatment for it. []
- Weight Loss
No impairment was found in 12 individuals with recent weight loss who remained at a weight greater than the 85% weight-height ratio. []
[…] rates of metabolism. marasmus A state of severe malnutrition, due to ↓ ingestion of protein and calories, due to poor diet, feeding habits, parent-child relationship or metabolic defects Clinical FTT, weight loss, emaciation, ↓ skin turgor, skin and []
In contrast, the importance of diarrhea in triggering malnutrition through anorexia and weight loss has been well established. []
It leads to dehydration and weight loss. Starvation is a form of this disorder. []
- Anemia
Integumentary system: Children with marasmus will present with pallor of skin and mucosae due to progressive anemia. Skin lesions like generalized and diffused purpura may herald an ongoing sepsis. []
Other symptoms of marasmus include unusual body temperature (hypothermia, pyrexia), anemia, dehydration (as characterized with consistent thirst and shrunken eyes), hypovolemic shock (weak radial pulse, cold extremities, decreased consciousness), tachypnea []
The major clinical findings were: edema (70%), emaciation (40%), "flag sign" hair (42.86%), low serum albumin (93%) and anemia (80%). []
Hemoglobin : a level lower than 40 g/L is indicative of severe anemia. Examination of blood smears by microscopy: parasite detection is indicative of infection. Albumin : It gives an idea to the prognosis. []
Vital signs: bradycardia, hypothermia CBC: to evaluate for anemia, leukocytosis CMP: to monitor for hypoglycemia and hypoalbuminemia Prealbumin: sensitive index of protein synthesis, which shows severity of malnutrition IGF-1: sensitive marker of nutritional []
- Weakness
Patients may appear weak and thirsty due to dehydration of the body tissues. Integumentary system: Children with marasmus will present with pallor of skin and mucosae due to progressive anemia. []
Other symptoms of marasmus include unusual body temperature (hypothermia, pyrexia), anemia, dehydration (as characterized with consistent thirst and shrunken eyes), hypovolemic shock (weak radial pulse, cold extremities, decreased consciousness), tachypnea []
Profound weakness accompanies severe marasmus. Rickets, scurvy and " marasmus " may be instanced as diet diseases in children. Browse other sentence examples []
There is weakness, irritability, dry skin and, unless rapidly corrected by feeding, retardation of growth and of mental development. Marasmus Severe malnutritution in children caused by a diet lacking in calories as well as protein. []
[…] buttocks Skin folds “old man” face Unusual body temperature ( hypothermia or pyrexia ) Anemia Dehydration (frequent thirst and shrunken eyes) Corneal lesions due to vitamin A deficiency Dermal manifestations Otitis and rhinitis Hypovolemic shock leading to weak []
- Hypothermia
Synonym(s): Parrot nodes Parrot II syndrome - failure to thrive, emaciation, edema, dry skin, with subcutaneous fat loss, abdomen flat or distended, hypothermia, slow pulse, decreased metabolic rate. []
The following system wise signs and symptoms are evident in cases of marasmus: General appearance: Marasmic children may present with hypothermia due to an incompetent immune response or hyperthermia (fever) due to secondary bacterial infections. []
Other symptoms of marasmus include unusual body temperature (hypothermia, pyrexia), anemia, dehydration (as characterized with consistent thirst and shrunken eyes), hypovolemic shock (weak radial pulse, cold extremities, decreased consciousness), tachypnea []
Hypothermia and hypoglycemia in infants is more frequent due to underdeveloped systems. Potassium deficiency of up to 15 mEq/kg resulting in hypotonia and impaired cardiac function. []
- Diarrhea
Children at particular risk for secondary PEM are those who have diseases that involve diarrhea or that otherwise interfere with nutrient absorption. []
They may take a stool sample to rule out other issues related to diarrhea if diarrhea is a symptom. Your doctor may also test your urine or your blood to help identify a nutrition deficiency. []
- Failure to Thrive
Marasmus results from a lack of adequate calories and proteins and is seen in children with failure to thrive and in individuals in a state of starvation. []
See also: FAILURE TO THRIVE Bibliography Bennett, S. "Failure to Thrive." Paediatrics and Child Health 1(1996):206-210. Frongillo, Edward A. Protein-Energy Malnutrition. Vevey, Switzerland: Nestle Nutrition, 1999. Giardino, Angelo P. []
- Tachycardia
Therefore, closely monitor the rehydration phase and promptly address signs of cardiac failure, such as tachypnea, tachycardia, edema, or hepatomegaly. []
- Sparse Hair
Other symptoms include loss of appetite, diarrhea, skin that is dry and baggy, sparse hair that is dull brown or reddish yellow, mental retardation, behavioral retardation, low body temperature (hypothermia), and slow pulse and breathing rates. []
Body weight is below 60% of that expected for age; the infant looks ‘old’, has thin sparse hair, is pallid and apathetic, lacks skin fat, and has subnormal temperature. []
- Skin Disease
Initial loss of muscle mass is followed in the most severe cases by marked depletion of subcutaneous fat. 20 Edema is a characteristic sign of declining serum albumin levels, and is associated with greater morbimortality. 21 Skin diseases develop due []
- Irritability
An irritable and whining child who cannot be comforted or separated from their mother demonstrates behaviors often observed with marasmus. []
Apathy and irritability.. Diarrhoea. Avoid:. Avoid crowded and unhygienic places. Consume:. Give high energy and high protein diet.. []
~ - Malnutrition occurring in infants and young children, caused by an insufficient intake of calories or protein and characterized by thinness, dry skin, poor muscle development, and irritability. []
They are anxious, irritable, cry easily and look like an old person. Anorexia nervosa causes marasmus in older children and adolescents. []
The sap contains irritant or allergen. The irritant […] 19 April 2012 | []
- Lethargy
Neurologic: Patients may be brought in lethargy due to lack of energy and calories from starvation. Patients may appear confused due to the metabolic acidosis at play. []
Children who suffer from marasmus display decreased activity, lethargy, behavioral changes, slowed growth, and weight loss. The subsequent effects on the body are wasting and a loss of subcutaneous fat and muscle, resulting in growth retardation. []
- Apathy
Encouraging signs of recovery include the return of appetite, decreased apathy, and improved social functioning. Follow up Phase – Simply entails close monitoring of the child. []
Failure to thrive is the earliest manifestation, associated with irritability of apathy. Chronic diarrhea is the most frequent symptom and infants generally present with feeding difficulties. []
Encouraging signs of recovery include the return of appetite, decreased apathy, and improved social functioning. Follow up Phase - Simply entails close monitoring of the child. []
Definitions for marasmus ma·ras·mus | \ mə-ˈraz-məs \ Medical Definition of marasmus : severe malnutrition affecting infants and children especially of impoverished regions that is characterized by poor growth, loss of subcutaneous fat, muscle atrophy, apathy []
- Confusion
Patients may appear confused due to the metabolic acidosis at play. The diagnosis of marasmus as a malnutrition state will only require a comprehensive clinical evaluation of patients. []
Random good picture Not show 1) However, malnutrition and marasmus are more serious health problems than that of overweight and obesity in Hainan Province. 2) Marasmus can be confused with dehydration; very often children suffer both. 3) However, in 1866 []
However, to avoid confusion, the term severe wasting is preferred. Construction and use of a wasting diagram simplifies the classification because the exact age of the child is often unknown. []
The diagnosis of marasmus as a malnutrition state will only require a comprehensive clinical evaluation of patients. The significant changes in the body composition during this protein energy malnutrition state can render laboratory tests to be unreliable at times. Laboratory test may be most useful in confirming clinical condition that may coexist with marasmus. The following laboratory tests are useful in the work of marasmus:
- Blood glucose monitoring: This demonstrates hypoglycemic states in patients.
- Peripheral blood smear (PBS): This could demonstrate parasites in the blood.
- Hemoglobin test: Confirms the occurrence of severe anemia in marasmus.
- Urinalysis and culture: Microscopy of urine will reveal many leukocytes with urinary infection and culture of urine may be done.
- Stool examination: This could reveal intestinal parasites and blood in the feces.
- Albumin tests: Albumin levels below 35 grams per liter suggests a severe impairment in protein production.
- Electrolytes determination: Hyponatremia is usual finding in the late stages of marasmus.
- Hypoglycemia
Findings in refeeding syndrome include acute imbalances in fluid and electrolyte status, including fluid overload or dehydration, hypophosphatemia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesia, and hypoglycemia. []
The goal usually is to provide 80-100 kcal/kg/d in 12 meals per day or continuously by NG tube to avoid hypoglycemia. []
In severe cases, many small meals are needed to prevent death from hypoglycemia (the reason for hypoglycemia in recovering marasmitic children is not well understood). []
Hypothermia and hypoglycemia in infants is more frequent due to underdeveloped systems. Potassium deficiency of up to 15 mEq/kg resulting in hypotonia and impaired cardiac function. []
- Hypoalbuminemia
Vital signs: bradycardia, hypothermia CBC: to evaluate for anemia, leukocytosis CMP: to monitor for hypoglycemia and hypoalbuminemia Prealbumin: sensitive index of protein synthesis, which shows severity of malnutrition IGF-1: sensitive marker of nutritional []
Unlike marasmus, marked protein deprivation is associated with severe loss of the visceral protein compartment, and the resultant hypoalbuminemia gives rise to generalized, or dependent, edema. []
Most children displayed moderate or severe hypoalbuminemia and severe primary iron-deficiency or vitamin A-deficiency; these constitute a major public health problem in Colombia 1. []
- Hypophosphatemia
Findings in refeeding syndrome include acute imbalances in fluid and electrolyte status, including fluid overload or dehydration, hypophosphatemia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesia, and hypoglycemia. []
Characteristic features include hypophosphatemia (thus preventing synthesis of essential ATP), hypokalemia (leading to cardiac insufficiency), and various other required electrolyte and mineral deficiencies. []
- Hypophosphatemia
Findings in refeeding syndrome include acute imbalances in fluid and electrolyte status, including fluid overload or dehydration, hypophosphatemia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesia, and hypoglycemia. []
Characteristic features include hypophosphatemia (thus preventing synthesis of essential ATP), hypokalemia (leading to cardiac insufficiency), and various other required electrolyte and mineral deficiencies. []
The medical care of marasmic cases is conveniently divided into the initial intensive phase, consolidation stage (rehabilitation), and preparing for outpatient follow-up management. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends routine antibiotic coverage in all cases of marasmus as a preventive step [7]. This is further supported by cohort studies that suggests that antibiotic prophylaxis in uncomplicated malnutrition has been proven to hasten recovery and reduce mortality among Malawian children [8]. The WHO provides this guidelines in the treatment of marasmus in children:
- Hypoglycemia monitoring and control
- Treatment and prevention of progressive hypothermia
- Prompt correction of dehydration
- Early detection and correction of electrolyte imbalance
- Active control of infections
- Screening and stabilization of micronutrient deficiencies
- Feeding for initial stabilization
- Nutritional support to support normal growth
- Psychological support, care and stimulation [9]
- Careful follow-up of cases upon discharge [10]
The patient’s outlook is largely dependent on the cause of the malnutrition. Acute and less severe malnutrition is easily reversed in a hospital setting. However, malnutrition caused by an ongoing medical illness may need correction of the primary pathology before the malnutrition states are reversed. Concomitant illnesses like bacterial infection and renal failure may cause the patients to succumb rather than the malnutrition state per se.
The protein energy malnutrition in marasmus, if left untreated may complicate to either of these medical conditions:
- Mental retardation
- Physical disability
- Renal failure
- Pneumonia
- Heart failure
- Sepsis
- Electrolyte imbalance
- Severe vitamin deficiency states
- Metabolic disturbances
- Death
Marasmus is a serious form of malnutrition that affects more than 50 million children below 5 years of age worldwide. Children suffering from these form of malnutrition may have a very high mortality rate when afflicted by intercurrent illnesses [1].
Marasmus has a higher prevalence rate in low income and developing countries. Although studies have revealed that children in developed nations may have an occurrence of such protein energy malnutrition (PEM), it is also observed especially in hospitalized patients with malignancy, cystic fibrosis, neurologic diseases, genetic diseases and end stage renal diseases [2]. Marasmus directly affects mortality rate and morbidity rate in patients with prolonged disease [3]. It may also hamper linear growth and neurologic development.
In the United States and in other developed countries, marasmus rarely occurs as a chronic malnutrition condition. However, acute protein energy malnutrition may still occur in hospitalized patients in lower incidence rates [4].
Internationally, 80% of these malnourished children reside in Asia, 15% in Africa and only 5% in Latin America [5]. An estimated 5 million patients each year die of malnutrition.
The pathophysiology of marasmus is mainly weighted on the metabolic imbalance in the body system brought about by decreased energy intake, progressive loss of caloric intake, and increased expenditure of imbibed energy.
Chronic cases present with systemic adaptations like decrease in physical activity, decreases in basal energy metabolism, lethargy, growth stunting, and progressive weight loss. The long term effects of marasmus to the child’s body system is expressed physically in terms of change body composition, metabolic changes, and anatomical changes.
All forms of malnutrition are prevented with proper eating and a balanced diet. Prophylactic antibiotics in early uncomplicated cases of marasmus lower mortality and increases recovery rates.
Marasmus is a clinical condition characterized by severe wasting of fats, muscles, and other tissues. Marasmus is a severe form of malnutrition where the body does not get enough protein and energy (calories) from food sources.
The spectrum of marasmus ranges from a singular vitamin deficiency to complete starvation. Marasmus is considered one of the most serious form of protein energy malnutrition in the world.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes that 49% of all children death less than 5 years of age is due to protein energy malnutrition like marasmus.
Patient Information
Marasmus is a type of malnutrition clinically presenting as progressive wasting of muscles, fats and bodily tissues.
Protein energy malnutrition in starvation, long term hospitalization, malignancies and chronic diseases may lead to this condition.
Patients appear hypothermic, confused, lethargic, pale, dehydrated, and with a distended abdomen.
Comprehensive history and clinical evaluation, and ancillary laboratory tests are done to diagnose marasmus.
Treatment and follow-up
Prompt nutritional support and correction of metabolic imbalances. Patients should be carefully followed up after they are discharged.
- Pelletier DL, Frongillo EA Jr, Schroeder DG, Habicht JP. The effects of malnutrition on child mortality in developing countries. Bull World Health Org. 1995; 73 (4):443-8.
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- Alcoba G, Kerac M, Breysse S, et al. Do children with uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition need antibiotics? A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2013; 8(1):e53184.
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- World Health Organization. WHO Global Database on Child Growth and Malnutrition. Geneva: WHO. 1996.